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Sober Companion


During the recovery and post-treatment process, a recovery companion (also called a sober companion) can often provide additional accountability and support for the client, especially in situations where he/she may be particularly vulnerable to relapse. When needed, OnPoint Recovery can provide a caring and knowledgeable companion to provide this extra support.



A recovery companion accompanies the client wherever is necessary. The companion can be used in the daytime or 24/7. A companion offers all the advantages and positive reinforcement of a recovery coach, but with an enhanced view of the risk factors that can lead to relapse. This can be a very effective strategy to support the client in times of increased temptation and vulnerability, especially in the early days of post-treatment when healthier habits are still being formed. Having a caring companion present provides an additional layer of accountability as the client readjusts.

Sober Transportation


There are many instances in which a client needs transportation, whether to/from a treatment facility or at other times when transportation plays a role in the recovery process. OnPoint Recovery can provide safe and efficient sober transportation services to any of our clients who need them.



A sober transportation escort is more than just a ride to and from treatment, although that certainly plays a role. Travel times can present particularly vulnerable moments for people in recovery, with plenty of “alone” time and availability of temptation. Even the stress of the travel itself can be a trigger. A sober transportation escort provides safe companionship during travel times and at special events where addictive substances might be readily available, giving the patient an extra layer of accountability and safety against relapse during these times.

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